1月 ただ一向に念佛すべし
  Chant the nenbutsu with firm concentration.

  2月 世はみな無常なり
  Everything is impermanent.

  3月 感心 感動 感謝
  Marvel at the world, and appreciate everything.

  4月 お念佛の先祖 法然さま
  Revere Honen Shonin: father of the nenbutsu.

  5月 ハキハキ返事 笑顔で行動
  Speak clearly and act assuredly, always with a cordial smile.

  6月 敬いあう生活してますか
  Let us bound together by ties of mutual respect.

  7月 み教えは ころばぬ先の道あかり
  The teachings of the Buddha light the way for us.

  8月 花火は夜空にこそ映える
  Fireworks are most brilliant against the darkest sky.

  9月 夕日の彼方に 極楽浄土
  Believe in the Pure Land that lies far beyond the evening sun.

 10月 月をながめる
  The Buddha's compassion is like all-pervading moonlight.

 11月 ”わかる”とは”かわる”こと
  The understanding leads to true change.

 12月 断ちきる勇気 続ける根気
  Have the courage to change, and the patience to forge ahead.

阿弥陀様 住職紹介
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